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The story of Isolif

The French company ISOLIF designs and manufactures thermal insulation mattresses for hydraulic heating or domestic hot water equipment and in industrial processes.

Its Matheus ® range is the result of several years of experience, design, manufacture, implementation and operation of this type of product.

Financing by "Certificats d'Economies d'Energie in France". It covers all functional, technical and normative requirements stipulated by some standardized programs


Matheus ® mattresses allow energy savings of 70 to 80% of equipment distribution losses.


Isolif's mission

ISOLIF's mission was to design an innovative, universal and economically accessible product that would be widely distributed.

Our objective, through the modularity of the range, is ambitious: 90% of the points isolated individually in 90% of specific and complex situations in the boiler room or on industrial lines

Faced with the climate emergency, Isolif is positioning itself as a responsible player , driven by the ambition to quickly and effectively isolate singular points in France and Europe in order to contribute to energy savings.

Our approach is eco-responsible, because we integrate environmental impacts into our decision criteria from the design of our products and our services (based in France), production (in short circuit), logistics (vacuuming of our covers reducing their carbon footprint), and our purchases (made only in Europe).

We pay attention to the social criterion by integrating into our thinking: accident prevention and staff training, respect for employee rights and social dialogue.

Our commitment is to provide each region with the possibility of accessing these energy savings for both local players and national installers.

The provision of our simple and efficient digital tools: creation of a mobile app and the Pro space. contributes to bringing together each of the players in our sector. We also want to give them easy and concrete access to the valuation of EWCs and thus allow the financing of the installation of insulating blankets in all boiler rooms.

Finally, we create and animate the "QUALIMAT" Label to guarantee professionalism and quality of installation with local professionals.

The principle of "Certificats d'Economies d'Energie"

Within the framework of the European Directive obliging to reduce energy consumption by 1.5% per year, 14 countries in Europe including France have decided to set up an Energy Efficiency Obligation System: EEOS - Energy Efficiency Schemes Obligation.


The certificats d'économie d'énergie (CEE) system was created in 2006 by the POPE law with the aim of achieving energy savings in various economic sectors including: construction, small and medium industry, agriculture and transport.


It is based on the obligation to achieve savings imposed by the public authorities on energy sellers called the “Obliged”. They are therefore encouraged to actively promote energy efficiency to their customers - households, local authorities and professionals -.


The National Pole of CEE (PNCEE) is the government body which issues CEE in exchange for the performance of works.


The balance between the quotas imposed and the work carried out impacts the value of the EWC. The work generated since 2006 by this EWC mechanism has reached 30 billion


The Singular Points: a major and profitable stake

The pipes in the boiler rooms are all insulated, while the flanges, valves, filters, etc. are not good that they waste so much energy.


In France, the Ministry of Ecology supports the installation of insulating covers in building boiler rooms with operations under the "CEE"


The vocation of ISOLIF through its Matheus ® solution is to be a major player in the Manufacture, Distribution and Installation of insulating blankets.

Existing residential building sheet

Existing tertiary building sheet

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The reduction in your energy bill thanks to the performance of the Matheus ® range , first of all allows a return on investment in less than two years.


In addition, the CEE premiums generated by the installation of mattresses allow full financing of the supply and installation of mattresses.


Your installations are eligible for this bonus, contact us .

Professionals: Design offices, Heating engineer, CEE Delegates, Syndics You want to support your customers in this process, contact us.

Nos références

Our references

hundreds of achievements for:

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

of: Industrial sites, Palaces and Hotels, Private condominiums, Public offices, Hospitals and clinics, public buildings ...
heating operators: Engie, Dalkia, Idex, Véolia Energie, Eiffage Thermique ...
delegated and obligated: EDF, Total, AVIA, etc.
thermal design offices ...

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