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Optimisez la performance de vos installations grâce à nos services professionnels en chaufferie

Optimisez la performance de vos installations grâce à nos services professionnels en chaufferie.

Pose, maintenance aisée et isolation thermique adaptée à vos équipements garantissent une réduction des pertes thermiques et un retour sur investissement rapide.

"Matheus ® " mobile application

You are a Professional we offer an environment composed of a Appli® (patented) and a Pro space users range Matheus ®.

The Appli-Matheus® allows :


During the site survey visit, identify all the equipment and automatically associate the Matheus ® mattress with it. perfectly adapted by creating the photo support of the course.

During the installation intervention on site, guide the technician through the support of the route to each equipment already identified. The initially planned mattress is thus placed and the photo course completed without any loss of time.

When connecting to your Pro space, synchronize your statements.

During the site visit by the certification body, support the COFRAC controller in his mission.

Thanks to the Appli-Matheus ®., All equipment is thus clearly identified, perfectly isolated, and all validated.

Get the App-Matheus ®, on your tablets and smartphones.

Complete the form below and within 24 hours you will receive the installation link and your personal identifier.

These items are required to obtain your personalized password.

Thanks to the Appli- Matheus ® , all the equipment is thus clearly identified, perfectly isolated, and all validated.


Get the Appli- Matheus ® , on your tablets and smartphones.
Complete the form below and within 24 hours you will receive the installation link and your personal identifier. These elements are necessary to obtain your personalized password.

Appli Mobile
Contact pro
Service +

Pro Space (coming soon)

With the Appli-Matheus® connected to your professional space:


You manage all your projects and documentary statements up to the financing file:
the statements made by your teams with your prospects are automatically synchronized (from their smartphone to your space),
You organize and classify the lists of your projects.
You reassign all projects with your field teams ...


You generate the documentary reports useful for the life of a project:
The statements of singular points identified with photos.
The nomenclatures of the mattresses in the range to lay.
Sales support for your prospects and customers.
The summary statement certified by the control offices.
The appendices for your quotes and invoices.


In your professional space you also have access to services +

Services +

Qualimat: The repository of ISOLIF for Matheus ® mattress.


Isolif has established specifications to comply with:

- the requirements of the French Accreditation Committee “COFRAC” documentary approach including the summary statement;
- documentary quality, pre-project photo report, nomenclatures, etc.;
- product implementation procedures and final documentary restitution: photo report of each isolated singular point;
- the requirements of the heating operators;
- the professionalism and seriousness of the speakers.


Installers, this Label gives you a competitive advantage.

You are Operator, Design Office, Lessor, .. benefit from the expertise of these qualified installers in your consultations!

To find out more about the repository Contact us


Sur mesure


You are an Industrialist, an Operator, you wish to discover our technical mattress service: very high temperature, adapted to your particular equipment, with integrated RFID chips ?
We will study with you the materials - fabrics and insulation -, the optimal preparation, the installation and benefit from our expertise. Contact us

Slide Financing of your operations by the "CEE" only in France

service financement.jpg

To optimize valuation or to be supported in the constitution of CEE files for the installation of mattresses, and to benefit from our know-how and our exclusive agreements with obligated / delegated. Contact us

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