Le principe des Certificats d’Economies d’Energie
Nos matelas complètent efficacement l’isolation de vos installations thermiques. Notre gamme permet d’isoler la quasi-totalité des équipements et réduit de près de 80% les déperditions d’énergie du point singulier.
La Gamme Matheus est conforme aux fiches des Opérations BAR-TH-161 et BAT-TH-155 :
Fiche bâtiment résidentiel existant
Fiche bâtiment tertiaire existant
The story of Isolif
The French company ISOLIF designs and manufactures thermal insulation mattresses for hydraulic heating or domestic hot water equipment and in industrial processes.
Its Matheus ® range is the result of several years of experience, design, manufacture, implementation and operation of this type of product.
Financing by "Certificats d'Economies d'Energie in France". It covers all functional, technical and normative requirements stipulated by some standardized programs
Matheus ® mattresses allow energy savings of 70 to 80% of equipment distribution losses.
The French company ISOLIF designs and manufactures thermal insulation mattresses for hydraulic heating or domestic hot water equipment and in industrial processes.
Its Matheus ® range is the result of several years of experience, design, manufacture, implementation and operation of this type of product.
Financing by "Certificats d'Economies d'Energie in France". It covers all functional, technical and normative requirements stipulated by some standardized programs
Matheus ® mattresses allow energy savings of 70 to 80% of equipment distribution losses.